However, download QuickBooks 2016 desktop software for testing now should be a priority if you intend to stay with QuickBooks 2016.Īgain this year, it’s vitally important to pay particular attention to “ natively installed” and Microsoft Office 365 web version issues. It might prove wise to wait for Intuit QuickBooks support for Windows 10 before trying to download QuickBooks 2016 to use in your production environment. This also means that it doesn’t need to run in a virtual environment or emulation software.” Also, Intuit notes, “Natively installed means it was installed on a particular system or environment that it was designed for. Update as of now, Intuit states QuickBooks is good to go on “Windows 10, all editions including 64-bit, natively installed”, but only “QuickBooks 2016 R7 and Enterprise 16.0 R7 is compatible with Windows 10”. But it appears that all versions of Windows Server 2012, Standard and Enterprise included are supported. With the release of QuickBooks 2016, systems requirements from Intuit show that Windows 10 is not yet supported.